Thursday, November 26, 2009

Blender 2.5

The new interface is HORRIBLE in my opinion.  Maybe come version 2.55 or so I'll have managed to get caught up and adapt it to the last few years of learning the "old" interface.  I really don't understand the option to change from horizontal to vertical after 7+ years and every pervious version. 
Maybe with a widescreen monitor, or maybe two of them, you could regain screen space and actually be able to see what you're doing.  I've got dual monitors and the only decent way to do things is open another window but that presents issues unless you duplicate things on both.
Maybe it's the whatever bug I caught, but I'm really not liking this right now.  Unless this release comes with a full manual, not a link to an online manual (as I won't have internet where I'm at for the next 4-6 months), that covers everything I'm going to suffer the same fate that led to the purchase from NaN that gave us blender in the first place.

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