Friday, June 12, 2009

Just got back from the Geauga film fest

There were 2 films I worked on (just supplying props to one) showing tonight. Interrogation and Jean Claude the gumming zombie (do I really need to provide a link, again?), but for me the big show stopper was a little film I hadn't heard of before. A Polish Winter.

From their blog:

It tells the story of a young boy who discovers an abandoned train cattle carriage in Eastern Europe. Upon entering inside and finding a discarded doll, memories are triggered of the Holocaust and the murder of countless children in Nazi death camps in occupied Poland.

Visit the blog and have a look for yourself. It's worth the time.

Another fun short was Visit China I didn't know so many folks I knew worked on this one, but it was good as well.

All in all it was a fun time with some good films.

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