Monday, January 7, 2008

Been a while

So to catch up...Merry Christmas, happy new year and all that.

Busy working on some foam heads for a play. Similar to the last batch, actually, for the same people. It's been almost a year now since I made any. Now that I think about it, those were the reason I started this blog, specifically to thank the few people and blogs who pointed me in the right direction. Well, the thanks still hold up. I wish I had gotten a little more practice at this kind of thing over the past year, but I haven't. In fact, besides those and the little bit of foam work I did for Near West recently I haven't touched any sheet foam this year.

I'm not sure what I can or can't say right now, so I won't say much. There are 7 characters in progress, just under a week until they're needed to leave on the tour. Cutting it close again, not that there's anything really new about that. I'll have some pictures of them when they're all done and I get an OK to post them.

Beyond these heads lurks some zombie work. Due to a few things here and there it will be a big rush to turn a young man old and then to zombify him through a few phases for a short film. I'll get yet another tiny part in this as well, and I can say I'm not a homeless person. Always good to stay away from typecasting.

More in the near future, and I hope to keep this blog updated a bit more frequently.

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