Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In other news...

Production crawls forward on Calamity House's Green Lantern: New Dawn. At this point I'm holding things up with some CGI shots.

Now that the goggles are off the plate, this kicks into high gear at the end of the week, or sooner. I just need a day or two to take care of a couple things, and get outside to the metroparks for some air and screwing around. It's been a long year so far and I fully intend to enjoy at least one summer day in semi-real nature.

Working on a few shots that I probably can't talk about just yet, so I won't beyond saying that there's a few geek things in there that I'm happy about after this summer's movie season. They did a pretty good job shooting it and making life for a semi-new to CGI a bit less hellish. Either that or I can pull stuff out of my no-no spot fairly well. I'd like to think it was them, because the thought of magically removing things from any of my orifices is rather disturbing.

Once I get an OK I'll post a few shots of the work over here first, the one reader who stops in deserves a scoop.

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