The back half has been turned down. You can also see the file mentioned earlier in the bottom left of the pic.
Here it is.
Just another view showing the button on the back. It didn't quite get rounded enough. Now that I did this one I've got some thoughts on how to make things go smoother.
As mentioned, use as large a spindle as you can. Reduce the epoxy use so that it's only as large as the smallest section. If possible, use wood caps or something that will not dig into the foam if the nuts tighten. Cut as close to the finished size as possible, make it "stair step" and cut the sections round as this balances it and reduces wobble and the mess.
The biggest thing that would help is to use a wood lathe with a support would be much better suited to turning foam then a metal lathe set up like this.
The only thing left is to drill a hole in the barrel, add the trunions, and the vent hole. After that it's all a matter of skinning it over. Wood glue works well, then you can apply polyester resin or bondo to form a hard shell. Smooth that, spot putty and then make a mold.
I'm debating if I should do another with the changes I mentioned above to improve the shape. Some sections are slightly out of round due to the wobble in the thin shaft.
more to come...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
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