Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jean Claude...the last post.

The premiere was earlier today. The crowd was nice, laughed when they were supposed to, and for some unknown reason seemed to find the neighbor character funny. Yeah, I was the "Eh, I don't give a shit" slinging neighbor. If you've been over to the blog for the movie, that is indeed me in the loud Hawaiian shirt from the "got any sugar" day of shooting.

It was a fun day. Kicking back now and watching the DVD with the commentary track I speak on. For those who like FX type commentary tracks, the Producer/crew commentary track is for you, it's the one I speak on and I go into a little detail on some of the stuff.

There's a nice easter egg on the DVD too.

Thanks again to everyone who was involved, both cast and crew. Also a huge thanks to the folks who made it out to the premiere and enjoyed themselves.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Jean Claude

The finished zombie!

The premiere is set, info here. There will be Q&A sessions after both showings so RSVP and pop out if you're in the area.

Things are wrapping up on JC. Film's set. Commentary tracks have been recorded. Been learning quite a bit about Blender as I forced myself to use it. That sounds bad, but I personally fall into the "learn by using" kind of camp, so with books at the ready I sat and used it for a few shots in the movie.

With the majority of the DVD done I now turn my attention to something we had discussed doing as a nice little bonus and tribute. Jim, one of the writers, came up with some good ideas and I cranked out a quick version of one yesterday. He's going to be doing the final I think, unless my doodling is OK.

In other news, I've "finished" the Crow T Robot model and been working on something else in there. I'm sure he's not quite as accurate as he could, or should, be. Plenty good for my needs right now. He's probably a bit heavy actually. I didn't bother with any mapping really, or modeling the detail of his body, I had planned to use some bump maps.

I've been working on modeling some things for a music video that I want to do. I've been thinking about releasing the Crow someplace in case anyone wants it. Still thinking about it really as I haven't decided. Also may let go some of the things I was modeling for the music video, but only a few are even of questionable use elsewhere. I'll give it more thought, and if I do I'll just upload them to the website someplace.

OK, enough scatterbrained blogging for right now, back to blender to learn some more. Experimenting (sounds better then playing, right?) with animating Crow.

With this all out of the way it's back to The Attic. Foam runs, test makeups, and who knows what else.

Oh... SAG, don't strike. I need some money and a job this year.